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Bubble and Cotton Team – Members: Yasiqi (Stella) Xu – Bullis School (MD); Jack Wang – Georgetown Preparatory School (MD); Emily Huang – Churchill High School (MD)



President Mason and 欧洲杯投注app下载 Board of Trustee Mignon Clyburn presented the certificates to three judges from DC Chamber of Commerce: (1) Jonathan Crawley, President of Strategix Management; (2) Jacquay Henderson, President of Square Peg Technologies; (3)  Ronnette Myers, JLAN Sol总裁





The Capital Cup Entrepreneurship Competition is open to DC high school students and high school students in other states by invitation.

On or before July 29, 2022, the Capital Cup Committee will evaluate submissions.  The Committee and Chair will select three finalists to compete (and present) in front of expert judges on August 11, 2022.


The finalist will be given eight (8) minutes with expert judges to present their idea or concept and five (5) minutes for Q&A在现场观众面前和评委们一起.

团队将能够使用PowerPoint, visual aids, props, or other items during their pitch; while visual material may be used, 没有书面的商业计划,演示必须独立进行.

Over the qualifier course of the 2022年欧洲杯投注app下载资本杯创业大赛, four academic business professors assessed and evaluated more than thirty teams in the qualifying competition. 选出前三名参加全国决赛. Three industry judges from DC Chamber of Commerce assessed and evaluated the Top 3 Teams’ presentations on August 11, 2022.



SBPA队赢得最高奖在 第二届中大西洋地区年会 2014商业计划大赛

Tracye Funn (Program Manager) ; Giresse Pembele (欧洲杯投注app下载 Grad Student); Tamon George(欧洲杯投注app下载 Grad Student); Steven Jumper (Director of Corporate Public Policy 华盛顿的气体); Eric Grant (Vice President – Corporate Relations 华盛顿的气体).

On Saturday, April 5, 2014, SBPA的一支队伍赢得了5美元的最高奖金,在第二届中大西洋地区2014年度商业计划竞赛中获得了1000美元的奖金.  今年比赛的主题是 社会和经济创业创新. 团队成员是 Tamon George; Giresse Pembele; and Donna-Marie汤普森.

获胜的团队提交了一份名为CollegeConsulting的计划.Com, an intermediary that links small businesses with bright young business students to gain access to the insight they need to grow their businesses. For a fee, small businesses will have the opportunity to upload their “project” to CollegeConsulting.Com,并由一个学生小组完成,作为一个学期的项目.

CollegeConsulting.Com will be a valuable alternative to highly priced consulting that is often out of reach for small businesses. CollegeConsulting.Com认为,通过弥合这一差距, 它不仅增加了小企业的潜力, 也提高了美国和世界各地的教育质量.
In addition to the two teams from the University of the District of Columbia, 特拉华州立大学代表(第二名,奖金3美元,000); American University (3rd place winner of $2,000); 摩根州立大学 were also participants in this year’s event.

SBPA的获胜队将前往亚特兰大, Georgia on April 10 -13 to participate in the Thurgood Marshal-Opportunity Funding Corporation (OFC) Business Plan Competition. 他们将由代理院长Yates和学术顾问Dr. 西尔维娅·贝纳蒂博士. Wayne Curtis.






欧洲杯投注app下载 Graduate Students from 商学院 and 公共管理 Win 1st Place in Annual Minority Case Competition

10月19日星期六,四个欧洲杯投注app下载 graduate students from the 商学院 and 公共管理 won the first place prize of $5,000 in the 9th Annual Minority Case Competition sponsored by 霍华德大学’s 商学院. 欧洲杯投注app下载的参加者有: Tamon George (Captain); Anita Johnson (Co-Captain); Giresse Pembele; and 蒂莫西·格林弗三世 指导教师是博士. Charlie E. Mahone, Jr.管理、市场营销和信息系统系教授.

除了欧洲杯投注app下载的团队, students from the following universities participated in this year’s event:  Washington University of St. Louis, 弗吉尼亚大学, 锡拉丘兹大学, 霍华德大学, 约翰霍普金斯大学, 摩根州立大学.

比赛由LMI赞助, a not-for-profit corporation – unites top MBA candidates from across the country to compete for a monetary reward while applying their critical thinking and creative skills to solve a real-world business challenge. This year’s competition was part of the 18th Annual MBA Exclusive (MBAX) Conference that was held on October 18 – 19th at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC.



Erroll Brown ; Dr. Charlie E. Mahone, Jr.; Giresse Pembele; Anita Johnson; 蒂莫西·格林弗三世; Tamon George; and Evelyn Harleston (LMI)


蒂莫西·格林弗三世 你是MPA项目的一年级学生吗. 他在威尔伯福斯大学获得心理学学士学位.  For the past five years he has worked as a Group Counselor at the Episcopal Center for Children.  He has also tutored and is serving as a lead counselor for Janney Elementary School’s After-School Program.

Tamon George 来自加拿大萨斯喀彻温省的一年级MBA学生.  He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of Regina with a BBA in Finance. Tamon is a well traveled and creative thinker who constantly seeks new knowledge and experiences.  他期待着华盛顿的无限可能, 他很高兴能在这样一个有影响力的城市继续他的教育.

Giresse Pembele 你是MBA二年级学生吗. In 2011, he received his Bachelor’s degree in Business 政府 (majoring in Finance and Accounting) from Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania. He currently works as a Graduate Assistant in the Office of the SBPA Associate Dean, 他是研究生学生会的主席.  Giresse worked as a Financial Analyst for a year after earning his undergraduate degree, 还有过去四个纳税季, he has worked as a Quality Reviewer and Tax Preparer for the 商学院 and Public Management’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program.

Anita Johnson, a 2011 honors graduate of 霍华德大学, 你是MPA项目的一年级学生吗. 在过去的几年里,她取得了许多成就, including presenting her first published article on women’s social and gender issues of the 21st century; working with elementary school students in Prince George’s County Public Schools as Director of the Cultural Enrichment Dance Education Program; completing a pre-summer law program through the Sutherland, Asbil & Brennan Law Firm; and participating in the Emerging Leaders Internship Program with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. Most recently, Anita was awarded the opportunity to serve as a 2013-2014 DC Mayor’s District Leadership Intern where she will have the opportunity to work with some of the District’s leading professionals and practitioners in advancing the District’s strategic priorities, 包括创造就业机会, 财政稳定, 素质教育, public safety, 自给自足.

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